SUPPER CLUB LISNAVAGH GARDEN WING SATURDAY 25 NOVEMBER 7.30pm for 8pm DINNER €120 per person all inclusive with gastronomic vegetarian dinner, delicious wine, fantastic surroundings & atmosphere and lots of laughter!
SUPPER CLUB LISNAVAGH GARDEN WING SATURDAY 25 NOVEMBER 7.30pm for 8pm DINNER €120 per person all inclusive with gastronomic vegetarian dinner, delicious wine, fantastic surroundings & atmosphere and lots of laughter!
Are you looking to take off on a gastronomic adventure for dinner and perhaps a night away? A travelling SupperClub & an overnight stay at Lisnavagh House might be just what you need in your life to entertain friends, family or your business colleagues in the picturesque surroundings of Lisnavagh House.
Chef Steve Mercer, known in Ireland for his thriving vegetarian food truck based in Clonmel as well his work at both Ballyvolane House & here at Lisnavagh House, private dining and other pop-up events.
Kate O’Mahony owns Marnie & Lily’s in Kinsale and will be pairing her amazing wines with each of Steves dishes as well as being your wonderful host for the evening.
The Supper Club will be held here at Lisnavagh Garden Wing in authentic and candle lit surroundings on Saturday 25th November.
This is perfect entertainment for a Christmas office party so get ahead and email us events@lisnavagh.com and tick it off the Christmas to do list !
For the menu ? Steve tells us there will be a cosy comforting vibe and hints will be given on the Lisnavagh and The Oven @the_oven_ie Instagram page!