Wellness Festival

Laura Dowdall - Via Video Link

Somatics & Dance

Laura Dowdall (via video link from Mexico)

Release + Renew Somatic Movement + Meditation with Laura Sarah Dowdall of HealingYoga.ie

Experience tension, stress, and anxiety relief with this nourishing somatic movement workshop.

Somatic Movement restores harmony to our Nervous System.This restorative movement approach invigorates brain-body connections that have faded or been forgotten over time and reduces the impact of aging and stress on the physical, mental and emotional body.

*No previous yoga, movement or meditation experience necessary. Beginners and experienced movers will gain so much from this informative workshop.

Laura is a professional dancer and international movement therapist with 12 years experience working holistically with clients from around the world.

She combines the healing benefits of yoga, meditation, somatic movement, reiki, family constellation work, life path coaching and tarot card reading to create unique workshops, retreats and 1:1 experiences that uplift, renew and empower people to live to their full potential.

Check out Laura's Transformational Rebirth Retreat at Lisnavagh House, this December 30- Jan 2nd!

Laura will be back in Ireland from November- January, book ahead to guarantee a one to one healing session with Laura!

Follow Laura's travels and international events on Instagram & Facebook!

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